Hermeticism and the Mysteries of the Universe: Unraveling the Secrets of Existence with the Seven Principles.
At the intersections of philosophy, science, and spirituality lies the ancient philosophy of Hermeticism. This esoteric system of beliefs, which dates back to ancient Egypt, is based on the teachings of the mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus. The Kybalion, an occult classic text summarizing these core Hermetic teachings, offers a glimpse into this mystical system. Much like a pendulum swinging between the masculine and feminine principles, Hermeticism finds balance and insight through contrasting forces. As this cinematic journey reveals, the truth often lies between extremes.
The Kybalion trailer above is a glimpse into the surreal documentary that explores the teachings of the ancient Hermetic philosophy and its relevance to modern times. Spanning topics from spiritual alchemy to the mind's creative power, The Kybalion documentary brings ancient Hermetic wisdom into the modern era. It shows how these universal laws manifest around us, from the swing of cycles to the power of polarity. Hermeticism is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece, and its teachings have influenced many spiritual and esoteric traditions throughout history. Savant Artists was able to successfully help this documentary reach a wider audience by securing a deal with Random Media cited by Deadline Hollywood.
In this blog, we will explore each of the Seven Hermetic Principles in detail, providing practical examples and exercises to help you apply them to your life. The Hermetic Principles, also known as the Seven Principles of Hermes, form the basis of this philosophy. These principles are a guide to living in harmony with the universe, and understanding the laws that govern it.
Join us as we unpack the Seven Hermetic Principles, examining their historical origins and contemporary applications. In a world of complexity and uncertainty, these timeless teachings provide guidance to those seeking harmony with themselves and the cosmos. The truth, Hermeticism reveals, has always been inside us, waiting to be unveiled.
Click the sections below to begin unveiling each universal law. But tread carefully - wisdom awaits those who seek it, but illumination often emerges from darkness. Embrace the interplay of light and shadow. The mysteries beckon you forth.
Are you ready to unlock the perennial wisdom of this esoteric classic? Click one of the sections to jump down and read about a specific section:
`By incorporating these principles into your daily life, you can unlock your full potential and live in harmony with the universe. May the teachings of The Kybalion provide anchoring perspective amidst the pendulum swings of life's journey. Keep an open mind, stay centered in your truth, and the principles will unveil themselves in perfect measure.
The Kybalion: The Seven Heremetic Principles
Beyond the realm of logic, past the grasp of reason, lies a mystical philosophy as old as time itself. The Kybalion, ancient scripture of arcane wisdom, unveils the Seven Hermetic Principles - universal laws from eons past, echoing through eternity.

Like a pendulum swinging between extremes, the Principles find balance between opposing forces. Light and darkness dance together, giving birth to truth. The swing of the pendulum manifests in rhythms - the ebb and flow of seasons, the cycles of life and death. We ride its oscillations, seeking stillness at the center.
The Principles whisper of a transcendent Universal Mind, source of all creation. Our reality is but a dream in the Mind of God. By unveiling the divine patterns that underlie existence, the cryptic verses guide seekers to enlightenment.
Within the Principles dwell secrets of the mental arts, pathways to mastery of reality. The Kybalion's teachings traverse the ages, finding resonance in mystic traditions from Hermeticism to Kabbalah. At its core shines a light in the darkness, beckoning visionaries to glimpse the eternal Truth.
Join us as we delve into the esoteric wisdom of this profound text. Open your mind to unseen realms where intuition reigns. The answers you seek await within. Heed the call of The Kybalion - where science and spirituality converge, and illumination dawns from the shadows. The inner journey begins...
The Kybalion is an ancient esoteric system of beliefs that has been around for centuries that serves as a foundational text in the field of Western esotericism, and its teachings have been influential in many other spiritual traditions, including Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Rosicrucianism. At its core are the Seven Hermetic Principles listed and discussed below, which are a guide to living in harmony with the universe and understanding the laws that govern it. At the intersection of science and spirituality lies the ancient philosophy of Hermeticism. This esoteric system of beliefs, which dates back to ancient Egypt, is based on the teachings of the mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus. The Hermetic Principles, also known as the Seven Principles of Hermes or Heremetic Laws, form the basis of this philosophy. These principles are a guide to living in harmony with the universe, and understanding the laws that govern it.

Below I dive into the depths of Hermeticism to bring you an in-depth guide to the Seven Hermetic Principles. Bringing together resources from ancient texts, modern interpretations, and personal experiences to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating philosophy. This guide is designed to help you incorporate the Hermetic Principles into your daily life, and unlock the transformative power of this ancient wisdom, as well as provide a link to the best film about "The Seven Heremetic Laws."
The Seven Hermetic Principles are:
The Principle of Mentalism
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Gender
Each of these principles is a fundamental aspect of the universe, and understanding them can lead to profound personal growth and spiritual development. Our guide will explore each principle in detail, providing practical examples and exercises to help you apply them to your life. One of the most powerful aspects of Hermeticism is its emphasis on personal transformation. The Seven Hermetic Principles provide a framework for understanding the universe, but they also offer a path to self-discovery and growth. By incorporating these principles into your daily life, you can unlock your full potential and live in harmony with the universe.
By incorporating these principles into your daily life, you can unlock your full potential and live a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment. We are committed to helping you on this journey, and we invite you to explore our comprehensive guide to the Seven Hermetic Principles today.
The Kybalion Documentary
This film is an adaptation of the 1908 occult manuscript, The Kybalion - and explores the 7 principles of Hermetics. It is a surreal documentation of the supernatural world around us.
What if there was great wisdom and boundless power available to us, but hidden in plain sight? The Kybalion is a documentary film adaptation of the widely popular but underground occult text of the same name, which explores the “Seven Principles” that govern the universe. Occult historian Mitch Horowitz takes us on a metaphysical journey of how we can apply these principles and unravel their mystery. Mitch argues that the ancient philosophy of the occult may hold exactly the keys modern people are seeking to a universalistic faith of inner development, karmic values, and personal power. Along the way we meet alchemists, artists, mediums, and scientists working within the parameters of these principles. The film, presented as a dark and mysterious enigma, sheds new light on ancient wisdom and gives viewers who wish to expand their consciousness valuable tools to do so. Director Ronni Thomas, (themidnightarchive.com) makes the film an otherworldly and cinematic journey spanning the monuments of Ancient Egypt to a surreal and uncanny other world. The Kybalion available now on Amazon and Apple iTunes.
History of The Kybalion in Ancient Egypt
The philosophy of Hermeticism is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and was based on the teachings of the mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus. It is said that Hermes Trismegistus was a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, who was considered to be the god of wisdom and knowledge.

The Hermetic teachings were passed down through various texts, including the Corpus Hermeticum, which were written in the early centuries AD. These texts were rediscovered in the Renaissance period and became a major influence on Western esotericism and spiritualism.

The Kybalion, a text that expounds the Seven Hermetic Laws or Principles, was first published in 1908 and is attributed to the "Three Initiates." Although the true authorship of the text remains a mystery, it is believed to have been inspired by the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and the ancient Hermetic philosophy.
In ancient Egypt, the Hermetic teachings were closely associated with the mystery schools, where initiates would be taught the secrets of the universe and the laws that govern it. The teachings of Hermeticism were also closely linked to the study of astrology, alchemy, and magic.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the universe was governed by laws that were both physical and spiritual in nature. These laws were considered to be universal, meaning that they applied to everything in the universe, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy.
In this brief clip, Occult Historian Mitch Horowitz explains how the world of ancient Egypt was as ancient to the Ancient Greeks and Romans as they are to us. A very early sneak peek at the upcoming feature documentary based on the 1908 occult masterpiece, The Kybalion. The film, shot partially on location in Egypt, details the 7 principles of Hermeticism and goes deeper into how alchemists, mediums, hypnotherapists and astral travelers are using these very principles in modern times.
The Hermetic teachings emphasized the importance of understanding these laws and living in harmony with them. According to the Hermetic philosophy, by understanding the laws of the universe, we can unlock our full potential and live a life of harmony, abundance, and fulfillment.
The Kybalion and its Seven Hermetic Principles are a testament to the enduring legacy of the ancient Egyptian philosophy of Hermeticism. By studying these principles and applying them to our lives, we can tap into the wisdom of the ages and unlock the secrets of existence.
The Principle of Mentalism
The Principle of Mentalism states that everything in the universe is mental, and the mind is the creator of all things. This principle teaches us that our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on our lives, and we can create our reality through the power of our minds. By focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs, we can attract abundance, success, and happiness into our lives.

The Principle of Mentalism is the first of the Seven Hermetic Principles, which are the foundation of the ancient philosophy of Hermeticism. This principle states that the universe is mental in nature and that everything is created by the mind. In other words, the universe is a product of the thoughts and consciousness of the creator, and everything within it is interconnected.
To better understand the Principle of Mentalism, consider the power of your thoughts. Have you ever noticed how your thoughts and emotions can influence your experiences and perceptions of the world? For example, when you approach a situation with a negative mindset, you are more likely to have negative experiences. On the other hand, when you approach a situation with a positive and open mindset, you are more likely to have positive experiences.
This principle also suggests that the universe is a unified whole, and that everything within it is connected on a mental level. Your thoughts and consciousness can influence the world around you, and the world around you can influence your thoughts and consciousness. This interconnectedness creates a feedback loop that constantly shapes and influences the world we experience.
To apply the Principle of Mentalism in your life, it's important to become aware of your thoughts and emotions. By cultivating a positive and open mindset, you can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Meditation and visualization practices can also help you tap into the power of your mind and harness its creative potential.
In conclusion, the Principle of Mentalism teaches us that the universe is mental in nature and that everything is interconnected on a mental level. By becoming aware of the power of our thoughts and consciousness, we can tap into the creative potential of the universe and live in greater harmony with the world around us.
"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." —The Kybalion
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Correspondence states that there is a correspondence between the physical and the metaphysical worlds. This principle teaches us that everything in the physical world has a corresponding aspect in the metaphysical world. By understanding this principle, we can gain insights into the nature of reality and how we can manipulate it to achieve our goals.

The Principle of Correspondence is one of the Seven Hermetic Principles that forms the basis of Hermetic philosophy. This principle states that there is a correspondence between the different planes of existence, from the physical to the mental and spiritual planes. As above, so below; as within, so without. This means that the laws and principles that govern the universe on one plane are mirrored on all other planes.
For example, the principle of cause and effect, which states that every action has a corresponding reaction, applies not only to the physical world but also to the mental and spiritual realms. Our thoughts and emotions have a corresponding effect on our physical reality, as well as on the collective consciousness of humanity. The principle of correspondence also implies that everything in the universe is interconnected and that every part contains the whole.

By understanding the principle of correspondence, we can gain a deeper insight into the workings of the universe and our place in it. We can also use this knowledge to transform ourselves and our lives. For instance, if we wish to change something in our physical reality, we can begin by changing our thoughts and beliefs about it on the mental plane. By aligning our thoughts and emotions with the outcome we desire, we can manifest it into our physical reality.
In conclusion, the principle of correspondence is a powerful tool for self-transformation and understanding the mysteries of the universe. By recognizing the correspondence between the different planes of existence and applying this knowledge to our lives, we can unlock our full potential and live in harmony with the universe.
"As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion
The The Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. This principle teaches us that everything, including our thoughts and emotions, has a specific vibration. By raising our vibration through positive thoughts and emotions, we can attract higher vibrational experiences into our lives.

The Principle of Vibration is one of the Seven Hermetic Principles that form the foundation of Hermetic philosophy. This principle states that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, and that this vibration manifests in different frequencies and patterns. This principle is also closely related to the concept of energy, as all vibration is a form of energy.
One of the most thought-provoking examples of the Principle of Vibration is the concept of sound. Sound is a form of vibration, as it is created by the movement of particles through a medium, such as air or water. Different frequencies and patterns of vibration result in different sounds, and these sounds can have a profound effect on our physical and emotional states.
Another example of the Principle of Vibration is the concept of resonance. Resonance occurs when two objects are vibrating at the same frequency, causing them to resonate with each other and amplify the vibration. This can be observed in musical instruments, where the vibrations of the strings or the air column of a wind instrument create a resonant sound that is amplified by the body of the instrument.
The Principle of Vibration also applies to the realm of emotions and thoughts. Our thoughts and emotions are forms of energy that vibrate at certain frequencies, and these vibrations can affect the energy fields of those around us. This is why positive thoughts and emotions can have a healing and uplifting effect on others, while negative thoughts and emotions can have a destructive and draining effect.

By understanding and applying the Principle of Vibration, we can become more aware of the energetic patterns and frequencies in our lives, and learn to use them to our advantage. We can tune our thoughts and emotions to the frequency of positivity and love, and attract more of these energies into our lives. We can also use the power of sound and resonance to heal and harmonize our bodies and minds, and tap into the infinite energy of the universe.
In conclusion, the Principle of Vibration is a powerful tool for understanding the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. By recognizing the vibratory nature of everything around us, we can tap into the limitless potential of the universe and transform our lives in profound ways. So, let us embrace the power of vibration and use it to create a life of harmony, joy, and abundance.
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."—The Kybalion
The Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Polarity states that everything in the universe has its opposite, and that these opposites are two aspects of the same thing. This principle teaches us that there is no good or bad, only varying degrees of the same thing. By embracing the principle of polarity, we can learn to accept and appreciate the duality of life.

The Principle of Polarity is one of the Seven Hermetic Principles that forms the foundation of Hermeticism. It states that everything has an opposite, and that these opposites are two extremes of the same thing. For example, hot and cold, light and dark, and love and hate are all polar opposites that exist on a spectrum. The Principle of Polarity teaches us that these opposites are not separate from each other, but rather are connected and complementary.
Understanding the Principle of Polarity can help us navigate the ups and downs of life. When we experience difficult situations or emotions, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and forget that everything has an opposite. But by remembering that there is a light at the end of every dark tunnel, we can maintain a sense of hope and perspective.
The Principle of Polarity also reminds us that we can't have one extreme without the other. For example, we wouldn't know what hot was without experiencing cold, and we wouldn't know what love was without experiencing hate. This concept can help us appreciate the full range of experiences life has to offer, and can help us avoid becoming stuck in one extreme or the other.

To apply the Principle of Polarity to your life, try looking for the opposite in difficult situations. For example, if you are experiencing a period of sadness or grief, try to focus on the joy and happiness that will eventually come. Similarly, if you are feeling stuck or unmotivated, try to remember that this too shall pass, and that a period of growth and productivity will follow.
By embracing the Principle of Polarity, we can learn to see the interconnectedness of all things and appreciate the full range of experiences life has to offer. Whether you are navigating a difficult situation or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of the universe, the Principle of Polarity is a powerful tool for growth and transformation.
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." —The Kybalion
The Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of Rhythm states that everything in the universe has a rhythm, a cycle, and a pattern. This principle teaches us that life is full of ups and downs, and that we must learn to ride the waves of life. By understanding this principle, we can learn to navigate the highs and lows of life with grace and ease.

One of the key principles of Hermeticism is the Principle of Rhythm. This principle states that everything in the universe has a rhythm, a cycle of ups and downs, and that everything is in constant motion. The Principle of Rhythm also states that everything in the universe is constantly changing, and that nothing remains the same.
The Principle of Rhythm can be seen in many aspects of life. For example, the seasons follow a rhythm, with winter turning into spring, then summer, then fall, and back to winter again. The tides of the ocean follow a rhythm, with high tide turning into low tide and back again. The cycles of the moon and the planets follow a rhythm, with phases and positions changing over time.
In our personal lives, we can also see the Principle of Rhythm at work. We experience ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. Nothing stays the same, and everything is in constant motion.r

By understanding the Principle of Rhythm, we can learn to accept and embrace the changes in our lives. We can learn to flow with the ups and downs, and use the rhythm of life to our advantage. For example, if we are going through a difficult time, we can remind ourselves that this is just a phase, and that things will eventually get better. We can also use the Principle of Rhythm to help us achieve our goals, by recognizing that success often comes after a period of hard work and perseverance.
To apply the Principle of Rhythm in your life, you can try the following exercises:
Pay attention to the rhythms and cycles around you. Notice the changes in the seasons, the tides, and the phases of the moon.
Accept the ups and downs in your own life. Recognize that nothing stays the same, and that everything is in constant motion.
Use the rhythm of life to your advantage. Set goals and work towards them, recognizing that success often comes after a period of hard work and perseverance.
In conclusion, the Principle of Rhythm teaches us that everything in the universe is in constant motion, and that nothing stays the same. By understanding and accepting this principle, we can learn to flow with the ups and downs of life, and use the rhythm of life to our advantage.
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." —The Kybalion
The Principle of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Cause and Effect states that everything in the universe happens for a reason, and that every action has a reaction. This principle teaches us that we are responsible for our own lives, and that we must take responsibility for our actions. By understanding this principle, we can take control of our lives and create the future we desire.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is one of the Seven Hermetic Principles that form the basis of Hermetic philosophy. This principle teaches us that every action has a corresponding reaction, and that nothing happens by chance or coincidence. The law of cause and effect states that every effect must have a cause, and every cause must have an effect. This principle is also known as karma, which is the idea that our actions determine our future experiences.
The principle of cause and effect is present in every aspect of our lives, from the smallest to the largest events. For example, if we plant a seed, we can expect it to grow into a plant, and if we do not water it, it will die. Similarly, our thoughts, words, and actions create a ripple effect that can impact not only ourselves but also the people around us. If we have positive thoughts and take positive actions, we can expect positive outcomes, while negative thoughts and actions can lead to negative consequences.

The principle of cause and effect can also be seen in the natural world, such as the cycles of the seasons or the movement of the planets. Even in the realm of quantum physics, scientists have discovered that every action has a reaction, and that particles can be connected and influence each other regardless of their distance apart.
By understanding the principle of cause and effect, we can take responsibility for our actions and make conscious choices that align with our desired outcomes. We can also learn from our mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth and personal development. Ultimately, by living in harmony with this principle, we can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
As the ancient Hermetic wisdom states, "As above, so below; as within, so without." By recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and embracing the principle of cause and effect, we can unlock the secrets of existence and experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives.
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." —The Kybalion
The Principle of Gender
The Principle of Gender states that everything in the universe has masculine and feminine aspects, and that these aspects are necessary for creation. This principle teaches us that we must balance our masculine and feminine energies to achieve harmony in our lives. By understanding this principle, we can cultivate a balance of yin and yang energy within ourselves.

The Principle of Gender is the seventh and final Hermetic Principle, and it teaches us that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine qualities. These qualities are not limited to gender in the traditional sense, but rather refer to the duality present in all things. This principle states that gender is manifested in everything, from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy.
For example, the sun is often considered a masculine energy, while the moon is seen as feminine. However, the Principle of Gender teaches us that both of these celestial bodies contain both masculine and feminine qualities. The sun provides warmth and light, which are traditionally considered masculine qualities, but it also nurtures and provides life-giving energy, which are feminine qualities. Similarly, the moon's cycles are often associated with the feminine, but its gravitational pull and effects on tides demonstrate masculine qualities of force and power.
Understanding the Principle of Gender can help us better understand the world around us and our own selves. It teaches us to embrace our own masculine and feminine energies, regardless of our physical gender. By balancing these energies, we can achieve a greater sense of harmony within ourselves and with the universe.

One practical exercise to incorporate this principle into our lives is to observe the way we interact with others. We may notice that we tend to approach situations with a more masculine or feminine energy, and by consciously shifting our energy to balance both, we can communicate and connect more effectively. Additionally, we can use this principle to understand the way different people and cultures approach the world, and learn to appreciate and respect their unique balance of masculine and feminine energies.
In conclusion, the Principle of Gender teaches us that everything in the universe is composed of both masculine and feminine energies. By understanding and embracing this duality, we can achieve greater harmony within ourselves and with the world around us. As we continue to explore the Seven Hermetic Principles and incorporate them into our daily lives, we can unlock the transformative power of this ancient wisdom and live a more fulfilling and enlightened existence.
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes." —The Kybalion
Concluding Thoughts
The Kybalion documentary offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of Hermeticism and its relevance to our modern lives. The film explores the Seven Hermetic Principles, which form the foundation of this esoteric system of beliefs. As we have seen in this blog, each principle offers valuable insights and practical exercises that can help us live in harmony with the universe.
The Principle of Mentalism reminds us that everything begins in the mind and that our thoughts have a powerful influence on our reality. By cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on what we want, we can manifest our desires and achieve our goals.

The Principle of Correspondence teaches us that there is a correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm, and that everything in the universe is interconnected. By understanding this principle, we can see how our actions and choices affect the world around us, and we can make conscious decisions to create positive change.
The Principle of Vibration explains that everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and that energy is the foundation of all things. By raising our vibrations through practices like meditation and mindfulness, we can tap into the universal energy and align ourselves with our higher purpose.
The Principle of Polarity reminds us that everything in the universe has two opposite poles, and that these poles are necessary for balance and harmony. By embracing the polarity within ourselves and in the world around us, we can find a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
The Principle of Rhythm teaches us that everything in the universe has a natural rhythm and that life is a cycle of ups and downs. By accepting and embracing these rhythms, we can find peace and balance in our lives.
The Principle of Cause and Effect shows us that every action has a reaction and that we are responsible for the consequences of our choices. By taking responsibility for our actions and making conscious decisions, we can create the life we want and avoid negative consequences.
The Principle of Gender reminds us that everything in the universe has a masculine and feminine aspect, and that these aspects are necessary for creation and growth. By embracing these aspects within ourselves and in our relationships, we can find harmony and balance.
Hermeticism offers a profound understanding of the mysteries of the universe and a practical guide to living in harmony with it. Though ancient in origin, these Hermetic principles offer timeless guidance. As our journey through The Kybalion has shown, its wisdom still resonates in our modern world, reminding us that truth is often found between extremes, where dualities dance together. By internalizing its lessons, we can ride the pendulum swings of life in rhythm and bring ourselves closer to the Eternal Truth. While some principles emphasize the masculine qualities of will and focus, others encompass the feminine aspects of receptivity and intuition. With openness and discernment, we can blend these complementary energies. When applied consciously, these universal laws help us manifest our reality and find harmony between the microcosm and macrocosm.
Hermetic Wisdom: A Glossary for The Kybalion
As we delve into the mystical world of "The Kybalion," it's essential to understand the fundamental Hermetic terms and concepts that underpin its wisdom. This glossary will provide clarity on key terms from the text and general Hermetic principles to deepen your comprehension.
The following is a glossary of some of the most important terms and concepts from The Kybalion, as well as other semantically related terms from Hermetic philosophy:
Alchemy: A branch of Hermeticism that deals with the transformation of matter, both physical and spiritual. Also, theractice of transmuting base metals into gold, associated with Hermeticism. Seen as both literal and symbolic/spiritual process.
The All: The omnipresent, infinite, and boundless reality that underlies all things. In "The Kybalion," it's the source of everything in the universe.
All is Mind: The fundamental principle of Hermeticism is that everything is mind. This means that the universe is not a physical entity, but rather a mental construct.
As Above, So Below: This principle states that the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual) are reflections of each other. This means that the laws and principles that govern the universe also apply to the individual.
Astrology: System of linking celestial movements to earthly events, central to Hermetic teachings. Forms "as above, so below" correspondence.
Cabala (Kabbalah): A mystical Jewish tradition that shares some similarities with Hermeticism, particularly in the exploration of hidden knowledge and the nature of God.
Correspondence: This principle states that there are correspondences between different planes of existence, such as the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. This means that events in one plane of existence can have corresponding effects on other planes of existence.
Divine Mind: In Hermeticism, the source of all manifestation, associated with concepts like God, Supreme Being, Absolute, Truth.
Divine Spark: The inner, divine essence within every being, often associated with the Higher Self or Atman.
Emerald Tablet: An ancient Hermetic text that contains the core teachings of Hermeticism, often referred to in "The Kybalion."
Esoteric: A word often used to describe hidden, mysterious, or secret teachings, such as those found in Hermeticism.
Gender: This principle states that everything in the universe has a masculine and feminine aspect. This does not necessarily refer to biological sex, but rather to the complementary forces of creation and destruction.
Gnosis: Esoteric knowledge or insight.
Gnosticism: Ancient spiritual movement sharing similarities with Hermeticism. Emphasizes direct personal knowledge of the divine.
Hermetic Axiom: A fundamental principle of Hermeticism.
Hermetic Law: A law of the universe that is revealed in the Hermetic teachings.
Hermetic Maxims: Short, pithy statements that express Hermetic principles.
Hermetic Symbolism: Symbols and imagery used in Hermeticism to convey esoteric knowledge.
Hermetic Tradition: The Western esoteric tradition that is based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.
Hermeticism: A Western esoteric tradition that dates back to ancient Egypt. It is based on the teachings of the mythical sage Hermes Trismegistus. Influenced by Platonism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Stoicism, occultism, and astrology.
Hermeticism and the Occult: Hermeticism is often associated with the occult, which refers to practices and beliefs that are hidden or secret.
Hermeticism and Western Esotericism: Hermeticism is one of the most important influences on Western esotericism, which is a broad term that encompasses a variety of esoteric traditions, such as alchemy, astrology, and Kabbalah.
Magick/Occultism: Practices of manifesting using metaphysical abilities, drawing on hidden esoteric principles in nature. Linked to Hermeticism.
Magnum Opus: The great work or spiritual transformation, often symbolized as the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. In Hermeticism, it signifies the inner journey to self-realization.
Mental Transmutation: This principle states that mental energy can be transformed into other forms of energy, such as physical energy. This is the basis for Hermetic magic and other esoteric practices.
Mysticism: The pursuit of direct, personal experiences of divine truth or the ultimate reality.
Philosopher's Stone: In alchemy, this legendary substance symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and transformation, a central concept in Hermetic thought.
Polarity: This principle states that everything in the universe has a positive and negative pole. This means that there is no such thing as absolute good or evil, but rather everything exists on a spectrum.
Rhythm: This principle states that everything in the universe is in a state of constant flux. This includes the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
Transcendentalism: A philosophical movement in the 19th century, which drew upon Hermetic and Eastern spiritual concepts to explore the divinity of the individual and the interconnectedness of all life.
Transmutation: The process of changing one's mental state, energy, or consciousness to reach a higher level of existence.
"True, without falsehood": Famous phrase from Emerald Tablet emphasizing the veracity and reliability of the teachings.
Vibration: This principle states that everything in the universe is vibrating at a different frequency. This is the basis for Hermetic healing and other esoteric practices.
Additional Hermetic Terms and Concepts
Agathodaemon: A benevolent spirit or guardian angel.
Alchemy: A Hermetic practice that seeks to transform base metals into gold, and also to achieve spiritual transformation.
Anima Mundi: The World Soul, or the collective unconscious.
Arcana: Secret or hidden knowledge.
Athanor: A Hermetic furnace used in alchemy.
Caduceus: A Hermetic symbol consisting of a winged staff with two snakes entwined around it. It represents the duality of the universe and the balance between opposites.
Elixir of Life: A legendary potion that is said to grant immortality.
Ensoph: The Infinite, or the Godhead.
Corpus Hermeticum: A collection of Hermetic texts that are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
Magus: A Hermetic practitioner who has achieved a high level of spiritual development.
Magnum Opus: The Great Work of alchemy, which is the process of transforming oneself into a perfect being.
Materia Prima: The primary matter of the universe, which is said to be the source of all other substances.
Prima Causa: The First Cause, or God.
Tabula Smaragdina: The Emerald Tablet, which is a legendary Hermetic text that is said to contain the secrets of the universe.
Related Readings:
Corpus Hermeticum - Core collection of Hermetic philosophical texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
The Divine Pymander - Another foundational Hermetic text composed of 17 chapters linked to Hermes.
The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates (1908)
The Hermetica (English translation by Walter Scott, 1888)
The Mystical Qabalah" by Dion Fortune - An introduction to Kabbalah, which has connections to Hermeticism, providing insight into Jewish mysticism.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (1928)
The Golden Game: Alchemy Encoded in the Tarot by Robert Wang (1998)
The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation by Dennis William Hauck (2006)
Hermeticism: An Introduction by Stephen Skinner (2014)
Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed by Wouter Hanegraaff (2013)
The Way of Hermes: The Corpus Hermeticum translated by Clement Salaman
"Transcendentalism: A Reader" edited by Joel Myerson - This collection of writings from the Transcendentalist movement explores their Hermetic and Eastern influences.
Where To Watch The Kybalion
The Kybalion will be available on most major platforms and streamers such as Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes, Pluto, Roku, Tubi, Vudu, and many more. Look for it on major streamers such as NetFlix and Max. The film is being released with guidance from Savant Artists.
Navigating Film Distribution with Savant Artists
Founded by Sebastian Twardosz, who boasts an impressive Hollywood resume working with the likes of Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner, Savant Artists leverages considerable insider knowledge to help filmmakers at every stage including financing, production, film festivals, marketing, and distribution. With over 25 years of experience advising and representing filmmakers, they are masters of shepherding indie films from development through to maximizing their reach and impact.
For emerging talents making their first foray into indie cinema, as well as established directors seeking to broaden their success, Savant Artists provides invaluable services that empower creators and get films into the spotlight.
Click the Youtube Channel link to learn more from industry insiders including writers, directors, producers, festival directors, entertainment attorneys, and much more.
Nurturing Projects from Script to Screen
Savant Artists dives into the development process, providing feedback on scripts, business plans, budgets and casting. Their extensive network and resources accumulated from collaborating with hundreds of indie filmmakers allows them to consult on building the necessary framework and team for a promising production. They help assemble the pieces - from solid script to financing to crew - that strong projects are built upon.
Advocating for Films at Major Festivals
Savant Artists doesn't stop at just guiding films through pre-production; they are an unmatched advocate for filmmakers whose works are ready for the world to see. With a track record that speaks volumes, they represent their clients to major film festivals and regional events, ensuring that each film receives the attention it deserves.
For many filmmakers, the dream is to have their films showcased at prestigious events like Sundance, SXSW, or Tribeca. Savant Artists is well-versed in the intricacies of the festival circuit and global distribution landscape, making sure your work secures coveted spots at such renowned platforms.
A Comprehensive Approach to Distribution
While getting a film to festivals is a significant achievement, the ultimate goal is to have it reach audiences far and wide. This is where Savant Artists' expertise in film distribution shines. They cover every aspect of distribution, from traditional channels like theatrical releases, DVDs, TV, VOD, and streaming to innovative models like DIY and hybrids.
One remarkable aspect of Savant Artists is their versatility in representing films with varying budgets. Whether it's a micro-budget indie or a multimillion-dollar production, they have the experience and knowledge to ensure each film reaches its target audience. This extends to all types of narratives, from gripping documentaries on diverse topics to TV series and even foreign language films from around the world.
Their comprehensive approach doesn't just aim for wide distribution but also ensures that each film resonates with viewers. They understand the essence of your work and tailor strategies that match it, making sure it reaches its audience in the most impactful way.
Guiding Filmmakers and Investors
Beyond individual projects, Savant Artists dispenses invaluable guidance for breaking into the Hollywood ecosystem. Their management consulting services help indie filmmakers and investors develop career strategies and make the right connections. Through platforms like their popular web series The Insiders, they provide rare insights into the inner workings of the entertainment industry.
This is especially significant for emerging talents, as Savant Artists opens doors, allowing them to break into the film industry's highly competitive and ever-evolving landscape. It's not just about distributing a film; it's about ensuring that filmmakers have the tools and knowledge to thrive in the industry.
Guidance for Navigating Hollywood
At the core of Savant Artists' services lies a genuine passion for championing indie filmmakers and shepherding their creative visions. They serve as true partners, seeking to understand each client's unique goals and voice. This dedication enables them to tailor strategies that help indie films speak to audiences in the most impactful way.
In the high-stakes world of independent cinema, navigating the path from an idea on paper to successfully sharing your creation with the world is filled with challenges. With Savant Artists' expertise accumulated over decades in the industry, indie filmmakers gain a formidable ally. Their guidance transforms the risks of independent filmmaking into exciting opportunities to share bold new cinematic stories.
Other Related Esoteric Resources
Excellent Film Resources
If you're interested in learning more about the film industry and improving your filmmaking skills, there are many excellent resources available online. Some of our favorites include the American Film Institute, the Sundance Institute, and the International Documentary Association. Additionally, many film schools and universities offer degree programs in film
American Film Institute (AFI) - https://www.afi.com/
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) - https://www.oscars.org/
British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) - https://www.bafta.org/
Film Independent - https://www.filmindependent.org/
International Documentary Association (IDA) - https://www.documentary.org/
National Film Registry - https://www.loc.gov/programs/national-film-preservation-board/film-registry/
Savant Artists - https://savantartists.com/breaking-in
The Sundance Institute - https://www.sundance.org/